(678) 879-1200
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Interior Parts to make your car a race car.   Racing Pedals, Steering wheels, quick releases, and Shift Knobs.  We also carry fire supression systems, kill switches, motorsports pedels, clutch stops, wide view mirrors, seat mounting systems, and more.

Other products that could be considered Interior, such as Race Seats and Harnesses, are found Safety Equipment.

If you can't find what you are looking for, please give us a call, 678-879-1200, or email us at websales@harrisonmotorsports.com


The Evo II US receives a badging and styling refresh, but retains the size and shape of the extremely popular Evo 2.


HMS/CF/E46 Bulkhead

BMW E46 Carbon Fiber/Alumi-core Bulkhead Panel for covering the hole caused by deleting the rear seat.  Prevents items in the trunk from moving forward into the passenger cabin in cases of sudden deceleration.

Cover the hole left by removing the radio from your BMW 3 Series E36, Z3 or E34 525 M50 or 530.



Classic styling, E30 cup holder and arm rest.